Hey All Y'all!
So. Crazy week! I was on the T-Van (transfer van...and other vehicles and transfer points...) for 10 hours on Tuesday! But I arrived in Gulfport safe and sound. The gulf is really pretty. Though I would trade it any day for mountains! Good old Utah mountains. They can't be beat.
Elder Todd and I are companions! And we're crazy! Hahahahahha. So we don't have too many investigators at all. We have one 10 year old girl who is super close to being baptized, but that is it. But we have a plan and we have worked hard on it this past week! We are going to be working a lot with part member families. And we are trying to have the best area book ever, which we worked on a lot this past week. It's going to take a little while before our work shows up number wise, but it will be worth it. The Lord is here with us in Gulfport and we have a work to do!
The Gulfport ward has 800 members!!!!!!!! Insane, huh?! But guess how many are active... about 200. We are working on it. We actually have 6 missionaries in our ward. Elder Todd and myself, our Zone Leaders, Elder Gardner and Elder Piggot, and then the Spanish Elders, Elder Belt and Elder Price. It's pretty legit! We have a family who feeds all os us every Wednesday night. (We actually just got the Spanish Elders... or they are in the process of moving in.) And I actually got to speak in Sacrament meeting yesterday. Lucky me! Not the best talk ever, but I sure hope the spirit was there.
Anyway... I had a bunch to talk about, but I don't remember any of it now. The people here are nice. I have yet to see an alligator, but I sure am going to be on the lookout for one!
Well, I guess that is all I have to say at the moment! Keep the faith all.... and................... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! Hope it's full of love and joy! Just like every other day should be. And to all you single people... Happy Single Awareness Day! That's my holiday! Hahahahahahaha..... I enjoy myself too much.
Oh! I have a cowboy hat! It is AWESOME!!!! Brother Sisson gave it to me before I left Texarkana. It makes me happy.
Keep on keeping on!
Elder Dwight Douglas Mendenhall
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