Howdy ta all y'all!
I hope all y'all is doing swell!
So this past week, we had zone conference up in Hattiesburg. It was really awesome! The topic was magnifying your calling. Which you do by simply fulfilling the responsibilities and obligations of your calling. Whether it be missionary, bishop, relief society president, primary teacher, brother, sister, mother, father, prophet, etc etc! If you want blessings, just do what you are supposed to do, what you agreed to do, and the blessings will come. Simple truth, but also very powerful.
This morning, at 8:00 AM, we met Brother Sowers at his house (Elder Woolf and I) and he took us golfing! It was AWESOME! I haven't been in probably 2 years. We didn't do so well, but we had fun. It was pretty warm and my arms are a little red, but it was definitely worth it. Attached is a picture Brother Sowers took on his phone. We then had lunch at his house. We played 18 holes and it took about 4 hours.
During this past little bit, I have rediscovered something inside of me that I once had. Something sparked up inside of me, something I had been missing for awhile. It's hard to explain, but I guess I hadn't really been myself for the past long while, months and months, and something happen, I'm not sure what, and now I am back on track to being who I need to be. It is a good change, a recommitment to what I need to be doing and to who I need to be. I am now more capable of living up to the potential that it within me, within all of us. If you stop and think about how much potential, how much power, how much pure awesomeness is within us waiting to come forth and be made manifest.... it's not really fathomable. We have the potential to be like God. I don't know if anyone really truly understands what that really means. This world, this church, everyone needs to wake up and realize what is waiting for us if we do the right things, if we be the right person. We must DO in order to become. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” (-Aristotle) That is really the deep underlining message of what I go out and teach. When we invite others to read and ponder the BoM, to pray, to attend church, to keep the commandments, to be baptized, it is starting them on the path to godhood. Awesome. :)
Well, we found some new people to teach this past week, but it was a slow week. Hopefully things will pick up here before I leave. I am 90% certain I am being transfered in 3 weeks, now we just wait to see where. Life is great, the gospel's true, the Book's blue and Jesus loves you!
I hope you all have an amazing week, and I will keep everyone in my prayers. I pray that you will have the eyes to see those that are seeking the gospel around you, and the courage to share it with them. To invite them to hear about the gospel and to refer them to the missionaries. If the members of this church don't start working their hardest, then the missionaries WILL fail. No doubt about it. It's a three way street, members, missionaries and the Lord.
I love you all.
With Love From The South,
-Elder Dwight Mendenhall
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