I love life! It's great! And I don't really know why... Maybe because I am a full time servant of the Lord sent here to the Gulf Coast to help bless the lives of the great people of the south and to help show them the way to gain eternal life and get them started on the path back to Him, which is through the waters of baptism? Or maybe it is great because the Lord has given me an opportunity to learn charity and patience in a 6-12 week span and that I am learning it, though it may be hard sometimes? Or maybe life is so amazing is because I not only have the most amazing family ever and tons of awesome friends back home cheering me on and praying daily for my success, but I also have legions of angels on my side, helping me fight my daily battles and giving me a boost up and a push in the right direction? I really don't know why life is great...... Maybe it's because every day is a miracle if we see it that way. Life really is all about our attitudes. I have learned that lesson well the last few weeks. This life and the way we view it is largely based on our attitudes. Take Laman and Nephi for example. They went through the same wilderness for 8 years, and Nephi praised the Lord and loved life, and Laman cursed the day he was born... well not quite, but still. More like the day Lehi and Nephi were born... Anyway.... Basically I am learning life lessons that make me a better person. It's not easy though. Focus on the positives...
I am excited for dinner this week. Dinner appointments every night except Saturday. Oh, and we are now having a "zone breakfast" every other p-day. We all get together, have breakfast and have a spiritual thought, an unsuccess and success story, a joke of the week, and of course, prayers. We had it this morning with biscuits and gravy, eggs and sausage, bacon, muffins and juice. It was delicious! All in all, it's about 3 dollars per missionary to feed all 14 of us. It's great!
Phillip Karen, who was a missionary here about a year ago, was back in town the past few days. I got to meet him. It was weird to think about possibly coming back as a non missionary. Weird...
Soooooo.... The Lord is great and amazing. Always remember that.
With Love From The South,
-Elder Dwight Mendenhall
PS... yes, it's short this week. Tough. :)
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