Hey Everyone!
Just a quick hello from Crossett!
We got here last night at about 8:30. I am serving him with Elder Durrant who is from Grantsville, Utah! Out there in Tooele county. :) I love him already. I am full of love lately for eveyone and eveything. I am soooooooooooooooooo excited to be here in Crossett. It's the best! We have a little ghetto apartment that is actually pretty nice, if not a little shabby looking. It's home and I love it. The Millers (one of our office couples) and our Zone Leaders (Elders Jones and Brinkerhoff) set us up pretty nicely. A lot of new stuff in the apartment. A nice comfy couch and beds. I am just loving it all.
Our address is:
501 Main Street
Apartment A
Crossett, AR 71635
Make sure to send a little letter to my new companion too! I just can't get over the fact at how happy I am here and to be able to spend the last two transfers training and reopening this area. I can't wait to meet the whole branch. We have already met several members. There is an 8 year old being baptized Monday and we taught her today. There is hopefully a bunch of less actives and nonmembers attending. She (her name is Ashley) wants everyone there. She is cool and is sooooo excited to be baptized. Her mom, Sister Fortune, is an awesome member missionary too! (also one of our branch missionaries)
Anywho, Life is just great, I am loving it. We don't have any food yet, so we are going shopping after this so we can survive until Monday at least. I am sick of the fast food I have had in the last 36 hours.
I love you all! I hope to hear from everyone soon! :)
Elder Dwight Mendenhall :)
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