Hello Everyone,
First off, I would like to say Happy Father's Day to the best Dad ever! Papa Mendenhall! :) Trust me when I say that he is the best. Hands down, no questions asked.
For my email this week, I am going to do something I little different. I am going to share a story with all of you. Well, at least I will be sharing this.
A Tribute To Father’s Day
By A Fellow Missionary
To commemorate Father’s Day this year, I would like to write this tribute to the best Father EVER. The Father of our spirits, our Heavenly Father.
Having seen what I have seen on my mission, the dysfunctional families, the heartache, the troubles, the worries, I start to truly appreciate my family. I really can’t wait to go home and see them. To be with my parents again, it is going to be great. My companion and I were talking and there really is no feeling greater than going home. I have seen many a missionary finish his mission and I know how excited they were to go home. Sure they were excited for college, movies and girls, but the thing they couldn’t wait for the most was their family. I am the same way. I cannot wait to see my parents. Two years is a long time, though compared to a lifetime, it really isn’t much.
Well, this all got me to thinking about our Heavenly Father and how much I love him and knowing how much He loves me. A lifetime is a long time, but compared to eternity, it really isn’t much. Knowing that if I stay worthy and be the best son I can be, I will see Him again one day is a piece of knowledge that I treasure dearly. I can’t wait to look into his familiar face. Ezra Taft Benson once said, “Nothing will surprise us more than when we get to heaven and see the Father and realize how well we know Him and how familiar His face is to us." God our Father KNOWS us personally, and we know Him. He is our Father. He taught us, we learned from Him. We have an intimate relationship with Him that we just don’t fully remember. We can feel a little bit of it, but not all of it. Just imagine when we get to that place though and how marvelous it is going to be. After our lifetime here, no matter how long that may be, we are going to see how Father again, if we live worthy and stay true to the Gospel standards and values. If we do what He asks, He will have us home again. He will open His arms for me, and I will run into them. I will embrace my Father and receive His perfect hug that is waiting for me. I will say to Him, “Daddy, I did it. I’m home. Thank you for helping me through it all.” He will then look me in the eyes, and in the soft voice that only exists of a Father to a child, He will say, “Well done, my beautiful child. Welcome home!”
I will not do anything to mar that perfect moment. I live for it, I breathe for it. When that time comes, He will know me and I will know Him again. I promise as a servant of the Lord, that if you really truly live the Gospel as He has asked, that moment will come for you. It can come for all of us. Live worthy of that perfect hug. Stay strong and be true. Kia Kaha.
Happy Father’s Day!
I know this work is true. God has made that truth manifest to me. Of that, there is no doubt. I am grateful to be serving here in Gulfport, Mississippi. I am grateful for the power of prayer and for the change of heart that God can give us. As we pray for and work at Christ like attributes, knowing we will receive, then we will.
Yesterday, we had two investigators in church. Scott and his wife came. Elder Todd and I gave him a Book of Mormon (that he had requested) and Elder Woolf and I have been by a couple of times to see him. He is an awesome guy and loves the Mormons. His wife really seemed to enjoy church. This is the first time I met her. They only stayed for Sacrament meeting, as their 16 year old daughter was at home and they wanted to get home to her. They recently found out that she has a cist between her tailbone and spinal cord, and she is in a lot of pain. They are trying to take care of that, but something has to heal before she can have surgery. But they are an awesome family, and they will be baptized! I can see it happening, and trusting in the Lord, I know it will. :)
I hope you all have an awesome day! Remember to love the Lord and to pray for and look for opportunities to share the Gospel.
Elder Dwight Mendenhall