Hey Y'all!
Life here is good! It is great to have a companion that cares about the rules :) The staph is still hanging on, but we go back to the Doctor's tomorrow in Clinton and we'll see what he says. It is slowly getting better. I am best friends with soap and lysol. Hahahahaha
So! Quick story. I forgot to mention last week... I am the official driver for the rest of Elder Belden's mission. On the way to Philly the first day, he was driving, and hit a car.... going about 8 mph. Just a tiny fender bender, but the people sure were mad. They definitely overreacted. Oh well. Elder Belden lost his driving priviledges. So... I drive. All the time. I'm not used to it. Elder Woolf drove 95% of the time I served with him. And we drive a lot in Philly, especially with Elder Belden's leg. Anyway... just thought I would tell that story.
Not a lot of people at the branch yesterday. I spoke about receiving revelation. It went wellw ith the other two talks. It was good. Don't ask what I talked about really. I can only tell you a handful of things. :)
We had a few good lessons this past week. It's tough to do a lot because of the staph leg, and it's the end of the month and we've used a lot of miles so far (due to the staph issue and having to drive to Clinton) so we are trying to take it easy. All is going well though and things will pick up! I know they will :) God is with us, so who can be against us? :)
Not too much else to say. Just pray for Diego, Christian & Bethany, and Sister Oaks, as well as all the other people here.
Love you all!
Elder Mendenhall
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