Hey Y'all!
Wow. What a week! I went on exchanges with Elder Mark Monday-Wednesday, got a phone call Wednesday night from President Tucker saying that I was being transferred to Philadelphia! Mississippi. Anyway, President and Sister Tucker picked me up at about 8pm Friday night, and we drove to Brandon, where I stayed the night with the Zone Leaders there and with my new companion Elder Belden. Elder Belden had been there about 2 weeks when I got there. He was told he would only be there for 1 day/night, so that is all he packed for. Poor kid. Anyway, he has a staph infection in his leg. He got it from a bug bite, which he scratched and that is how it got there. The Doc cut it open, and I get to pack it every morning with gauze! Doctor Mendenhall is the name. Inflicting pain on my companion is the game. Yup! Anyway, I only did it Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. We are driving to Clinton tomorrow morning for his doctor's appointment at 10:30AM. He is supposed to take it easy and only work for a few hours at a time. So we are going to have quite a bit of down time for a week or so. Elder Belden goes home in Oct, so he has one transfer left. He wants to baptize, and so do I, so we are gonna git 'er done! Ain't nothin' to it but to do it! And work hard and rely on the Lord. Elder Belden is a hard worker and a good missionary. He's from Michigan. He's 23, graduated with an associates degree from LDSBC and went to a semester at BYU. Has one younger brother who is 14. Anyway, that's a little about him. We should have some good times together. We actually went fishing this morning at a member's "camp"/ranch/farm thing. They are from Gulfport. I have been to their house plenty of times there, and heard about this place, and I finally got to go. It's within the boundaries of my district. Pretty neat. We went with Elders Hansen (the DL) and Harman, both awesome guys. I already know the other two in my district from past areas/meetings. I am looking forward to this, though Elders Harman and Petersen will probably be transferred at the beginning of September. We'll see how things go.
Okay. A little about Philly! It's about 8000 people, has an Indian reservation, which has two big casinos. The Golden Moon and the Silver Star. The Silver Star is the better one (so I heard...). There is a branch here, with about 200 members. An average of 40 each week attend. I blessed the Sacrament, and spoke for 5 minutes. It was great. I like the people. Definitely wont take too long to get to know them. We have a pretty big area, but also small, since we really will only have time to work Philly and Union. We might make it to Carthage every now and then. Not enough miles to cover all of it all of it is about the whole county or so...).
I feel like I am rambling a lot. Anyway, my new address!
Elder Dwight Mendenhall
513 Jefferson St #8A
Philadelphia, MS 39350
I can be reached there for about the next 4 1/2 months or so. I am 95% certain that I will be training when Elder Belden leaves. There are 13 new missionaries coming out, and basically everyone has been told that I am training, myself included. Wish me luck... hahahaha. Anywho...
Life is great out here. The work moves forward, and no unhallowed hand can stop it. I am here to work and to teach and to bring souls unto Christ through faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. Sounds like a party to me! Let's make it happen! :)
Thank you for all that y'all do. It means a lot to me to have the support that I have. I love you all!
Elder Dwight Mendenhal
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