Hey All Y'all!
Happy Independence Day! I hope it was fantastic for all of you. It being P-day, we didn't do a whole lot. In fact, we had a BBQ at a member's house and then stayed there all day. That was it. We played some games, had a water balloon fight, and ate homemade ice cream. It was a fun day, but also... long.
Okay! Exciting news! We got a phone call this past week from the mission office. They called us with a referral. The woman's name is Summer, and she was taught a little by the missionaries in North Carolina where she lived before Gulfport. They wanted her to keep being taught so they passed the info along until we got it. She read part of Alma that the Elders there left for her and she prayed about the Book Of Mormon and got a positive feeling that it is true. Sounds golden, right? Hahahahaha. If only things were that easy. She has a lot of things to work through. She has had a tough life and it wont be easy for her, but I believe she is going to progress and with God's help, she will be baptized and be a strong member. I feel like I am here for a reason for her, as with some of the issues she has, most missionaries wouldn't have a clue. With my "upbringing" though, I am better prepared for situations like this. I will let you all figure out that. Anyway, we are teaching her today at 1pm and I am excited. We are going to a member's home that is pretty close to her, because she stays with another family right now and it is pretty loud over there. We are also having a member that seems like she would be a good fellowshipper come over as well, who also has her sister in town visiting, so it might be a member overload, but it will be good. God is with us. :)
Other than that it was a pretty normal week for us. Well, not entirely true. We were going over to teach a less active the lessons to help her (and us) out, and she decided to have her non-member boyfriend be there so he could hear it as well. So that was unexpected. We are going over there tomorrow to teach them again. Should be good. Heavenly Father is sending things our way it seems. :)
I hope all is well with you. This is short, but we need to get going soon, eat lunch, and then bike to our 1pm appointment. Just know that life is great and that God loves all of you! :) Pray for me please, and Summer, Scott and his family, and everyone else down here. :)
With Love From The South,
Elder Mendenhall
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